Asleep– Terms and Conditions

Last updated: August 20, 2024

  1. Acknowledgment

The purpose of these Terms and Conditions is to stipulate the basic rights and obligations between the two parties in connection with the service by linking the artificial intelligence-based sleep analysis API developed by 'Asleep' to the platform of you and the entity you represent (hereinafter referred to as 'Customer'). ‘Customer’'s access to and use of the Service is conditioned on ‘Customer’'s acceptance of and compliance with these Terms. These Terms apply to all visitors, User and others who access or use the Service.By accessing or using the Service, the 'Customer' agrees to be bound by these Terms. If you do not agree to any part of these Terms, you may not access the Services. You warrant and represent that you are authorized to bind your legal entity and that 'Customer' refers to that legal entity. ‘Customer’'s access to and use of the Services is also conditioned on ‘Customer’'s acceptance of and compliance with our Privacy Policy. Please read our Privacy Policy carefully before using our Services.

  1. Definitions of Terms
  2. "SDK" stands for Software Development Kit and means a collection of development tools that includes API utilization and libraries for using the API Services.
  3. The term "API" stands for Application Programming Interface and refers to the interface for using various AI sleep analysis technologies provided by Asleep through the System.
  4. The number of valid calls (hereinafter referred to as 'calls') of the 'API' means the number of times the service received valid results for the 'API' call of 'Asleep' that satisfied the minimum time (20 minutes) for sleep analysis. The detailed definition of a valid call to the 'API' is in accordance with the definition of valid API calls.
  5. 'Mel Spectrogram' refers to a form of data that has been preprocessed by extracting only a portion of the entire sound. This serves to reduce the likelihood of user privacy issues arising from the use of sound data.
  6. A "session" is a term that refers to a single sleep, meaning a single sleep measurement from start to finish.
  7. "User" refers to an individual using service of ‘Customer’
  8. "Sleep analysis data" means low-level raw data generated by "Session" such as sleep stage analysis, breathing stability analysis, etc.
  9. "Sleep statistics data" means high-level statistical data created by analyzing low-level data such as sleep efficiency, wake ratio, and deep ratio.
  10. Basic Principles
    1. ‘Customer’ and 'Asleep' shall fulfill the contract in accordance with the principles of mutual respect and good faith.
    2. ‘Customer’ and 'Asleep' shall comply with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations in the performance of this Agreement.
    3. ‘Customer’ and 'Asleep' shall have the status of independent contractors in exercising their rights and performing their obligations under this Agreement and shall not represent the other or assume the obligations of the other except as set forth in this Agreement.
  11. Subject matter of Agreement

The 'Services' provided by 'Asleep' are as follows. (Details are in accordance with the list of provided API items.)

Product Name Details Remarks
Sleep stage analysis API and SDK APIs and SDKs for 4-stage sleep analytics - Percentage of each of the four sleep stages (Wake, REM, Light, Deep) and other sleep analysis results (time in sleep, sleep latency, etc.) (Specific scope of services under the Basic Plan and Real-time Plan is subject to Terms 7)
  1. Role of 'Asleep'

The role of 'Asleep' is as follows